It was named Gohar ForoughYazdan, thank you for your existenceLife is a journey that starts from breathing and exhaling in the name of breath and continues in imagination and ideal and being, so that it continues to be a footprint for how we are.Existence is the harmony of nature with creation, which manifests itself in the journeys of feeling, behavior and thoughts of the same three virtues and creates originality, identity, memories and folding being.I want to be a time traveler, I choose to live awareness, knowledge, wisdom, love, goodness and happiness, meaning and awakening to the nature of existence, happiness, joy and growth. And I can transfer as much as I want.I leave the story of my life with the philosophy of my existence, which is awareness-giving, effective and good name.Conscious leaders accept the consequences of their commitments by accepting responsibility. My travel companion is LilyLook well through the way of vision to the standing love of creation